Silicon Valley's Eco-Nod: When Bower’s vision danced with Apple’s spirit
Imagine a day where the minds behind Bower get to share their journey and goals with none other than Tim Cook, the celebrated CEO of Apple, and Lisa Jackson, the driving force behind Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives at Apple. Well, that day happened, right in the heart of Copenhagen. This wasn't merely a casual meet-up, but a hearty acknowledgment of the rising movement that Bower has kindled, alongside the innovative founding teams from TooGoodToGo, Vytal | The reuse system, and Min Strøm.

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Bower, not merely an app but a sweeping movement, has rallied over 580,000 eco-conscious souls across the Nordics and the UK. This burgeoning community and its bold vision of a world free from trash has now piqued the interest of Silicon Valley’s giants. Our mission is simple yet profound—give everything a value by promoting recycling, sparking sustainable behaviors, and nudging the big leagues of the FMCG industry towards earth-centric practices.
We shared, we discussed, and we envisioned how tech could continue to play a key role in nurturing a better planet. The conversation with Tim and Lisa wasn’t just a pat on the back, but a mutual exchange of ideas and a broader vision of making meaningful changes in the world we live in. It highlighted the endless possibilities that come with the fusion of technology and a cause.
This memorable interaction is a reminder of the impact collaborative innovation can make. It strengthens our resolve to keep chasing the goal of making recycling a rewarding experience. So, here’s to more discussions, more innovations, and a brighter, greener future. Stay tuned for more updates as we, along with our growing community, strive to make recycling both fun and beneficial for everyone.